Articles on: Google Ads

Presentation of Performance Max campaigns in detail

Google never ceases to amaze. The platform is getting better with the introduction of its new type of advertising campaign: Performance Max. Thanks to this revolution, Google enables all advertisers to increase their sales on the various Google channels thanks to an automated campaign type. It's strong, we admit it, we bow our heads. Especially since, in this way, it's possible to reach a wider audience, more efficiently and with less energy. What more could you ask for?

So, are you ready to discover the best practices for launching your Performance Max campaign?

Performance Max in detail

At Feedcast, we're well aware that the field of digital marketing, while fascinating, can seem vast and complex to some. That's why we want to simplify the management of these subjects and raise awareness of best practices. Let's look into the depths of Performance Max together!

Performance Max in a nutshell?

As mentioned above, Performance Max is a type of campaign that is 95% automated.

Where once it was necessary to have one campaign per channel, now it's possible to run a single campaign on all six of Google's channels**. And that's a real turning point for the Google Ads era.

The change itself lies in the paradigm. Before, users paid for a defined location, and the structure was manually built around several campaigns. Now, Performance Max itself brings in the buyers, respecting the desired target type and, above all, addressing the t**otality of the tunnel**, i.e. Top to Bottom. Interesting, isn't it?

Why was it created?

Performance Max was created because the consumer conversion path has become more complex, and contact points are constantly increasing. This made it more difficult for sites to adapt, and there was a clear need to continue to touch the consumer at the right time and in a relevant way.

So Google's promises are simple: find more converting audience, define a richer information overview and increase value.

Performance Max: an effective tool...when you know how to use it

But don't panic, setting up a Performance Max campaign isn't very difficult with Google. However, you need to define clear and precise objectives.

First of all, you'll need to make a request to Google. So far, so easy. Once this is accepted, you can create a Performance Max campaign by defining your objective. In fact, to help the algorithm better understand it and create the best possible ad combinations, you'll be asked to fill in several elements, including text elements. What's more, although targeting and bidding are automated, you can define your target audience to help the algorithm present your campaigns to the right people.

Beware of the unfortunate element: ideally, plan a daily budget at least equal to five times your average cost per acquisition (CPA).

Here we go, best practices for a successful PM campaign

There's no end to the tips. Here are a few more good practices for launching an effective PM campaign!

Define significant conversion objectives and define their values, so you can prioritize the importance of each objective.
Choose an appropriate budget and bidding strategy, so you can offer the best possible bid in real time and optimize your budget.
Activate final URL extension, to identify queries that generate conversions not included in your keyword-based campaigns = more relevant queries.
Add audience signals that will help you optimize your performance by reaching the target that's most valuable to you, speeding up the algorithm's learning period, among other things.
Finally, import different varieties of creative elements into your element group. Texts, images, videos. This will enable you to be visible on a wider inventory. Efficiency and better combinations.

The moment of truth

Normally, after at least 6 weeks of campaigning, you'll have enough data to be able to comparison your results and get an idea of the performance of your campaigns. Once this phase is over, you can check whether or not you're getting better results thanks to the Performance Max campaign.

Performance Max, a name to match its results?

We're honest here at Feedcast and, yes, generally speaking, Performance Max shows positive results.

In fact, the creation of PM is based on known successful elements. To put it simply, Google has taken Facebook's magic recipe and applied it to some mouth-watering ingredients:

A powerful algorithm
Interest-based audience targeting
The use of campaign insights
Image and video content

With all this, PM is undoubtedly the future of Google Ads.

A little spice in the recipe

Nobody's perfect, and there are still some negative points to be made. PM can lead to :

A lack of control due to the removal of optimization functionalities,
Significant increase in CPC (cost per click)
campaign arbitrage* if you rely solely on Performance Max.

For the time being, Performance Max is still in beta version and may yet evolve, but initial results are encouraging. As we can see here, automated campaigns are a real time and money saver.

The important thing to remember: Google gives the algorithm maximum leeway to optimize, while the job of e-tailers is to focus on relevant assets that speak to their target universe.

And at Feedcast, we understand this paradigm shift. So to ensure the best possible migration to Performance Max, subscribe to Feedcast !

Updated on: 08/02/2024

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